Many families face the decision of whether to get a dog. For families of children with autism, the decision can be even more challenging. Now, a University of Missouri researcher has studied dog ownership decisions in families of children with autism and found, regardless of whether they owned dogs, the parents reported the benefits of dog ownership included companionship, stress relief and opportunities for their children to learn responsibility.
New research from Washington State University reveals how youth who work with horses experience a substantial reduction in stress – and the evidence lies in kids’ saliva.
A study from the University of Liverpool has recommended investing in dog owner education and facilities as a strategy to target physical inactivity and problems such as obesity in both people and their pets.
A new study has shown that newborns who are exposed to pet hair, dirt and germs may have a lower risk of suffering from allergies and asthma.
Many household cleaning products contain chemicals that are toxic to pets. Yet pet-friendly cleaning products are readily available and are easy to make from common household substances.
In the event of a hurricane, it is critical to know what to do not only for yourself, but for your pets as well. Find our which steps to take to ensure that your pet will be taken care of in the event of a hurricane or disaster evacuation.