Although many people have not taken the time out of their schedules to do so, equine first aid courses can be a very helpful step towards being prepared for emergencies. Being a responsible horse owner means taking the time to attend these classes, but others who spend a lot of time with horses should consider it, as well.
Because horses are both strong and prone to startling, they are more likely to injure themselves than some other animals. Besides scratches and scrapes, horses also acquire more serious injuries, such as those caused by fights with pasture mates, taking a wrong step, and banging into things. They can also become acutely ill on occasion.
Having your horse seen by a vet can take some time. Horse veterinarians, unlike those for most other pets, usually still make house calls. Depending on how many horses there are in your area, this means that they might serve a very large area in order to find enough clients. If your vet is three hours away when you call, immediate care is going to be on you.
There is no such thing as an emergency room for horses, so emergency care until the vet arrives is on you. Your knowledge can be a powerful asset in a stressful situation. People who know what to do make better decisions and move faster towards what needs to get done in an emergency.
Some injuries and illnesses, while serious, are not likely to worsen in the few hours it takes for the vet to get to you. However, there are some where those few hours makes a huge difference. These are the things that classes focus on, so that people can be prepared and not scrambling for information if they encounter this type of situation.
People who are responsible for horses at any time should at least consider taking equine first aid courses. Owners of horses should definitely take them, and stable hands. Others who might be around in emergency can definitely benefit.
Learn more here: Equine first aid courses

Pet First Aid Course Learn first aid for pets — be prepared for pet emergencies: build a first aid kit + learn what actions to take for a range of traumas and diseases.