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Pet photos

    Pet Photography Tips: How to Take Stunning Photos of Your Pet

    Pet Photography 101

    5 Simple Pet Photography Tips For Better Portraits

    By Scot Voelker

    Whether you want to add Pet Photography to your business or just capture a treasured photo of your own family pet, there are a few things you need to know before you just show up with your camera expecting award winning portraits. Here are a five tips that will help you get the photos you’re looking for.

    Tip #1 – Patience

    First and foremost we must realize that stunning photos of pets involve a lot of patience. Waiting for that right pose or expression that represents the character of the pet may take a little time. Sometimes we get lucky and it happens very quickly, then there are the other times when it feels like we will never get THE shot! It can be frustrating but extremely rewarding.

    Tip # 2 – Shoot Often

    Shooting continuously can accomplish a couple of things. First it gets the pet used to the sound of the camera, second it allows you to capture candid shots in between formal poses. You might be surprised at some of the images you captured when you review them.

    Tip #3 – Use Different Angles

    The eyes are the most important part of the photograph. The character and soul of the pet can be more dramatically captured by getting down to their eye level. Shooting down from above by standing on a chair or something solid can also product effective and unique photos. Be adventurous! Experimenting with different angles may also generate exceptional portraits. Remember, the eyes must be in perfect focus.

    Tip # 4 – Toys & Treats

    There tends to be some controversy on the use of pet toys and treats to stimulate the pet in order to make a more appealing shot. On the one hand, the toys and treats can help you get more intense and striking images but on the other hand, some animals will become over-stimulated and become difficult to work with. Talking with the owner and observing the animal under both circumstances before the shoot can help you decide whether or not to use the props.

    Tip # 5 – Composition

    We can get so busy trying to get that perfect expression or interesting shot that we forget what is around us and in the background. Make a visual check through the viewfinder to see if you are using the rules of good composition. Are you using your thirds? Is the background uncluttered? Does the background complement the subject?

    For example; it may not be wise to shoot a black dog with a dark background. If you find your location is not working, move around to the other side or change locations completely. It can make the difference between an ordinary shot and a stunning portrait.

    There are a lot of things to remember in a very short space of time when you are working with animals. Taking pet portraits is challenging to say the least, but is extremely rewarding. Capturing for the owner the essence and character of their much loved family pet turns that stunning portrait into a priceless memory for them.

    Scott Voelker is the creator of NewPortraitBiz. He has taught 1,000’s of students how to start a photography business. To receive his Free video lessons visit
    Visit Scott’s Blog at for even more up to date Free lessons.

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    Article Source: Ezine Articles by Expert Author Scot Voelker
