  • A Guide to Breeding Finches

    Breeding finches: Baby finch

    For many people, their beautiful song and attractive colored feathers make finches an instant draw. They can also be less expensive to buy and own than parrots and also easier to breed. Here we look at the basics of breeding finches.

  • Pet Rat Toys and Accessories

    Once you have acquired your pet rat and purchased a suitable rat cage, you may wish to outfit his new home with a few rat toys and accessories to make life more stimulating and comfortable for your pet. Follow these guidelines to help you choose wisely.

  • Electric Hog Fence to Contain Free-ranging Pigs

    Electric hog fence

    An electric hog fence provides an efficient, easy to maintain fencing solution to contain free-ranging pigs. It offers pigs a happy, healthy alternative to being confined in tiny enclosures, and will make the lives of both pet pigs and pigs raised for pork much happier.

  • Different Types of Electric Fence Wire for Livestock

    Types of electric fence wire

    There are a number of different types of electric fences that you can use to contain your livestock, including electric tape, rope, or wire. The option that is best suited for you requirements will depend largely on the type of livestock that you are wanting to contain, and whether the fencing will be used to enclose permanent paddocks, or be used for temporary paddocks or rotational strip grazing.