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  • Choosing an Electric Fence Charger

    A vital component in any electrical fence system is the charger, which supplies current to the fence to keep it electrified by maintaining an electrical charge. But with so many models to choose from, it can get just a tad confusing as to which electric fence charger is best suited to power up your fence.

  • Who Should Take Equine First Aid Courses

    Although many people have not taken the time out of their schedules to do so, equine first aid courses can be a very helpful step towards being prepared for emergencies. Being a responsible horse owner means taking the time to attend these classes, but others who spend a lot of time with horses should consider it, as well.

  • Horse Foaling Tips

    Foaling preparations will ensure a healthy foal

    There are very few things that may compare to the excitement of having a new foal in the stable. We all like to watch them run around their mares, try out their wobbly legs or merely watch them take a nap in the sunlight. Yet, having a healthy foal takes more than breeding and waiting ELEVEN months. Babies need a large amount of preparation well ahead of their arrival.

  • Choosing the Most Appropriate Electric Fence Wire

    Electric fence wire comes in a number of different forms; knowing which one to choose can be a bit tricky for those new to electric fencing. This overview of the different conductor wires, and the benefits of each, will help you choose the most suitable type of electric fence wire for your application.

  • Uses and Benefits of a Portable Electric Fence

    Electric fencing is a popular alternative to conventional fencing for containing livestock as well as pets. It is convenient, cost effective, and offers a number of benefits. One of the major benefits of electric fencing, is its portability, which offers farmers a great deal of flexibility in managing their pastures and livestock. This can also be beneficial to home owners who use electric pet fencing to contain their pets.